Top 3 priorities of the preconception period


The preconception period is all about setting your body up for success in your current goal- to get knocked up! While often underestimated, the preconception period is important since mothers and infants have a lower risk for health concerns if mom is healthy and at an ideal weight prior to conception. Also, since many of baby’s critical developments are made before mom knows she has conceived, it’s important mom doesn’t wait until a positive pregnancy test to optimize her health.

Since there are a number of benefits to prioritizing healthy during the preconception period, including increased chances of conception, increased egg quality, and decreased risk of miscarriage, you and your coach should do all you can to prioritize your pre-pregnancy nutrition: 

Three important goals you can set up to get knocked up include: 

1. Optimizing your health for conception
2. Addressing nutrient deficiencies & working to fill nutrient stores
3. Building healthy habits as early as 6-12 months prior to conception

Begin crushing these goals by working on the following:

 ? Start changing habits and prioritizing nutrient-dense foods earlier than you think (at least 3-4mos prior, but preferably 6 months to 1 year).

? Start taking a great prenatal vitamin. My personal favorite is Smart Pants Gummies.

 ? Focus on increasing intake of vitamins and minerals, from a whole food diet. Prioritize Vitamin D, Folate, Choline, B vitamins, Vitamin’s C, A, E and K, magnesium, potassium, selenium, iodine, iron, and zinc.

 ?‍♀️ Find an exercise program that works with your lifestyle

 ☀️ Focus on sleep, hydration, getting sunshine, and stress management

 ➕ Supplementation may be necessary, especially if transitioning off hormonal birth control. Consult with your provider.

Does all of this feel overwhelming? You’re not alone. Many women feel immense pressure to make sure they’re doing everything right when trying to conceive. The important thing is that you’re trying. Start small and begin slowly building in healthy habits in a way that is sustainable, as that is what will best warrant long term success.